In adjoining figure PQ ⊥ BC, AD ⊥ BC then find following ratios.

(i) PQB and PBC have same height PQ.Ratio of areas of triangles with equal heights are proportional to their corresponding bases.A(PQB )/A(PBC) = BQ/BC (ii) PBC and ABC have same base BC.Ratio of areas of triangles with equal bases are proportional to their corresponding heights.A(PBC) / A( ABC) = PQ/AD (iii) ABC) and ADC have […]

In adjoining figure, AP ⊥ BC, AD || BC, then find A( ABC):A( BCD).

Given , AP ⊥ BC, and AD || BC. ABC and BCD has same base BC.Areas of triangles with equal bases are proportional to their corresponding heights.Since AP is the perpendicular distance between parallel lines AD and BC, height of ABC and height of BCD are same.A( ABC) /A( BCD) = AP/AP = 1Hence A( […]